Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I love Relief Society.
There is a quote from the most recent General Relief Society conference that I really loved.
Sister Julie Beck was the speaker, and she was talking about Relief Society and it's pupose.
She started talking about how her mother moved away when she was a newlywed. She was afraid she would be alone, with no guidance in situations we usually rely on our mothers for.
Here is her quote:
“Who will be my mother?” Mother thought carefully, and with the Spirit and power of revelation which comes to women of this kind, she said to me, “If I never come back, if you never see me again, if I’m never able to teach you another thing, you tie yourself to Relief Society. Relief Society will be your mother.”
I love this quote SO much. I have met so many ladies in my ward and classes who have uplifted me, befriended me, and helped me adjust to this new time of my life. Their love and concern is so real and I feel that I have what I need through them.
I don't have my mom here for me. But I feel so blessed to have all these wonderful influences around me.
I would feel ungrateful for not recognizing them.

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