Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

SO.... Obama won, what a surprise. The republicans had it in for themselves when they nominated McCain.
I'm over it. I will miss my Sarah Palin on SNL.
NOW, The stats on Prop 8 have not been fully posted yet. I was reading that when the votes were 11% counted, YES was up on NO by 55-45. That's way too close.
I also read that this Prop 8 has become one of the most expansive social issues, with over 73 million donated (both sides together). That's huge.
Although a few million dollars are from idiotic celebrities who have their heads so far from reality they would legalize marriage to inanimate objects as not to enforce any predjudice towards coffeemakers and chairs.
UGH, America and it's democracy can be frustrating.... oh well I guess the good news is we get to try socialism for a while!!
Well, either way, GOD Bless America! (seriously though, please!)

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